GDGFA/golfo dolce game fisherman’s Assoc.

April 27th, 2011

April 24th was the annual fisherman’s ball at FishHook Marina,Golfito.CR….Local Professional Captain’s and mates from the Osa,Zancudo and Golfito got together for an end of season fiesta and awards presentation with Capt.Ronny Calvo as master of Ceremony… Hardcore rock and roll by the Robby Clark Group provided the beat.Capt.Bobby McGuinness got Capt. of the Year (same award he just took last month at the annual IGFA awards banquet in Miami). In his acceptance speech he stressed the conservation of the resource to keep Golfito the top world record destination. Thumper’s own Carlos Lobo Vargas(Beto) won Professional Mate of the year with his fleet topping 20 Black and Blue Marlin,wired,billed and released.Beto will start Captain’s school in the off season this year.

4 Responses to “GDGFA/golfo dolce game fisherman’s Assoc.”

  • On April 27th Toddy said:

    Congrats to all! Beto the man.Not mentioned but Harry and Inta throw this event for the locals each year. Toddy

  • On April 28th Maya said:

    Sounds like a great party! And of course Beto won Mate of the Year!!! Hopefully we can come next year. Maybe there can be a new category like Best New Fisherman and Niko will get nominated!

  • On April 28th Skip C said:

    Beto…congratulations on the award. You’re “right on the money”. There is a surprise package that is going in the mail tomorrow (Fri, April 29) and headed to you at the address you provided by email. I have no idea how long it takes for a package to get from the USA to Golfito…but the surprise is headed your way. Another will be headed that way shortly, for next year’s action…Skip

  • On April 29th Bob Hansen said:

    Congratulations to Beto! It’s great to be recognized by your peers! I am very excited that I got to crank in one of those marlin. Let’s go for two years in a row! Bob.

Wanna Dance ?

April 16th, 2011

Inta and I have arrived Golfito after a fun filled (even went to Sea World) trip to Ocean Beach for grandkids party.Capt.J.W.Teal from Last Stall just returned from 5 days at Banko Hannibal and had nothing good to report on the Marlin bite but 80 lbs. yellowfins were thick. (red tide covering much of area,Agura reef and Isla Montuosa were clean)so we are off tonight (full moon)to the 79 mile bank in CR with cousin Jimmy and family…Local inshore sailfish bite is red hot (20/30 shots a day) and the Mahi have come on…..We’re going to go deep for the Marlin then fall back inshore if they don’t show.

5 Responses to “Wanna Dance ?”

  • On April 16th Toddy said:

    Go get ’em @ 79 mile. Keep an eye open for any kind humanitarian acts, i.e. releasing huge sea turtles that have become one with tarps and boogie boards. I think the Fish Gods rewarded us on our trip for that act. Good luck, I know you will find, capture, and release numbers of Billfish @ “The Honey Hole” Tight lines, Toddy

  • On April 23rd harry said:

    Raised 5 Marlin at the “Papa(potato)Bank” but they were not aggressive ??? and didn’t sink a hook.Next day moved inshore(24 miles off)…Had steady action AM on the sails and then at 2:30 had the bite of the year….at least 7 billfish in the spread with 2 marlin and a sail hooked up…Every rig including dropbacks(9 total) were either “san cocho” or hooked up when another marlin is wacking the right hookless teaser 20 feet off the transom…..Where is Dave Nolt with his “pocket fisherman” when you need him ???????

  • On April 24th Toddy said:

    As Uncle Ted would say, “Whack ’em and stack ’em” only with an Uncle Toddy twist, “Whack ’em and release ’em”. Good job Thumper and crew, wish I was there. See you guys back in Pa. Rumor has it the gobblers are heating up in Potter county. Say hola to all my friends in Costa Rica, Toddy

  • On April 25th Mitch said:

    20 feet off the transom is better than 3 feet over the transom. 20 feet is a sight to behold, 0 feet is an heart attack! I’ll never forget that Jan trip, thanks again for the memories. Bobby is on the birds. I hope you are still planning a visit to redneck country. The woods have greened up, leafed out and the thunder chickens are squalling!

  • On April 26th Bobby R. said:

    On lots of birds, have carried several kids so far 3 for 3……….better hurry or all of your birds will be gone!!!! I did not take my gun this time so the kids had a better chance of getting a bird!! Sounds like yall had a good fishing trip with Jimmy and Nash..Hope you can come to redneck country soon!!!!

Extreme Full Moon

March 30th, 2011

Putted out of Golfito Sat.night (March 19) with no Panama Zarpe and one goal in mind. That goal is to hit the Burica Seamount 47 miles out at dawn and look for some love. If it’s not there, we’re a long way from nowhere. The structure is a prehistoric dead(I hope) volcano raising to 540′ from a surrounding 500 to 700 fathom bottom. The structure lies 4 miles west of Panama’s Isla Burica. Eyes strain at first light blindly wishing the water is blue, the current is running, and yellowfin’s are showing(about a 40% shot). I’ve taken some of our biggest Marlin at this locale on the moon including Inta’s 400 lbs. class blue on standup with Marlin legend Capt. Tom Lynskey on the wire and cousin Tommy’s huge Blue this January. As we move in it’s immediate apparent life is present. A huge tree loaded with bait is miraculously drifting right off the volcano and we deploy the live bait rigs and score an immediate double on yellowfin. The prerigged 20/0 circle bridles accept the tuna and we set up a 4 knot live bait power drift. After about 20 minutes…..CRASH….We found the Love…….

4 Responses to “Extreme Full Moon”

  • On March 31st Maya said:

    Thank God for driftwood…unless of course you’re running from a storm 😉 Thanks for the great fish stories. Can’t wait for the next adventure a la Thumper!

  • On March 31st Toddy said:

    Capt. Harry, thanks for giving us the chance to ” live the dream”. You don’t get the shots that we had aboard Thumper on Wide world of Sports, Spanish Fly, In Fisherman, or any of the other fishing shows on TV that I have watched and wished I was part of. Extreme Full Moon and Golfito, Costa Rica are forever implanted in my memory. AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME… YOU are THE MAN. Your gracious friend forever, Toddy. Thanks to Beto and Ronnie, special fisherman.

  • On April 3rd Mike Hurrell said:

    More great stories and pictures. Good luck with your next round.

  • On April 6th John Green said:

    The last few updates remind me of an old saying,”The harder I work, the luckier I get.” Congratulations on the GRAND SLAM and all the recent successes. Beautiful pictures of PARADISE, and a couple of nice Triple-tails.
    I seem to remember Harry wanting to show the boys from MD that the PA boys on E dock could get it done…I guess some things never change. ALL THE BEST!!!

79 mile bank

March 29th, 2011

First pioneered with me by old friends Skip C. and Robert C. from our deep mid Atlantic Canyon days out of Sunset Marina in O.C.MD… On that first trip to the mark on the chart (half the time you find nothing but 1000 fathom emptiness) we found a 2 mile circular rise about 2000 feet with a teardropped shaped 1200 foot 500 yard bump. We raised some Marlin and Sails with lots of bait present and the potential was apparent but we only had 1 overnite to map. This trip we came locked and loaded for a 3 day full out attack. My team consisted of my seasoned crew plus practiced anglers Charlie S., Kostas G. and Toddy. We arrived at 4 AM and anxiousy await first light to see if the effort is a boon or bust. And then slowly….oh yea….it’s the bomb. We set out our trusted Marlin lure spread(including the infamous Mr.Pinky down the center) working at 7/8 knots with dropbacks both rigged and live ready to deploy. Over the next 3 days we hooked 10 Marlin(released 5) and raised 55 Sails. Charlie had a Black release on 30 lbs. standup after an epic battle that ended after sundown and all (including me and Beto) fought and released 100lb. plus Sails on Spinning Rigs with Power Pro braid. Never saw another boat. As Toddy would say, “Now that’s what I’m talking about”.

One Response to “79 mile bank”

  • On March 31st Skip C said:

    Great week with you and Beto. I’m glade we made the trek out to the “new” bank so you guys could go plunder it the following week. You make it sound like you’re giving up on the trips to Panama…say it ain’t so. Tell Beto to shoot me an email with a mailing address. I have beef jerky ready to go. Skip C

Black and Blue

March 28th, 2011

11AM Wednesday March 23…We’re hot on the billfish…Toddy has just 5 minutes before released a sail…..Jimmy Cliff is wailing Many Rivers to Cross when a Blue crashes the left short with Kostas hooked up. Almost simultaneously Mr.Pinky on the 50 lbs. Penn standup gets annihilated by a Black and, “Houston, we have a problem”. Dr.Charles rigs up and Marlin are tailwalking and reels are smokin’. After thirty minutes of impeccable team work amid the chaos Thumper has her first double Marlin release.

Offshore Super Grand Slam

March 27th, 2011

Press Release : Golfito, Costa Rica……Thumper with Capt. Harry Glah, mates Beto and Ronny and anglers Dr.Charles Shuffelbottom, Kostas Giourtis and James Todd pulled into Fishhook Marina March 24th after an historic day. During the previous 24 hour period the Thumper team had joined an extremely rare IGFA club releasing 4 billfish species including Black, Blue and Striped Marlin and Pacific Sailfish. Angler James Todd had an individual Grand Slam with a Black, Striped Marlin and a Sail. Thumper and it’s 20 Marlin releases leads the Golfito fleet thus far this season.

2 Responses to “Offshore Super Grand Slam”

  • On March 29th Maya said:

    Wow! What an all-star team you had aboard! Nice work Toddy! I’m pretty sure you deserved that. Can’t wait for pictures!

  • On March 30th TAMMEN said:

    WOW ——fished 4 days, end of Feb, out of Golfito—really slow–next time I’m going THUMPER—GOOD JOB!—-go Oregon!

Offshore Playa Carrillo/the wild grounds

March 9th, 2011

Heading to new grounds for the next few weeks,200 miles west of Golfito….Last weekend in March is the Costa Rican Presidental Open an IGFA qualifier at this locale….Superb Striped,Blue and Black Marlin at this remote Pacific spot 70 miles south of Nicaragua,offshore of CR mainland ….Best chance of Super Grand Slam……No marina or provisional support.Dangerous Papagayo weather phenomenom to be expected.Questionable anchorage.Perfect conditions for our selfcontained Mikelson 60 Sportfish and crack crew……..Bring it …….

4 Responses to “Offshore Playa Carrillo/the wild grounds”

  • On March 10th Maya said:

    Good luck Dad! Great pictures…is that first one my new house?!

  • On March 10th Mike Hurrell said:

    great pics! Go THUMPER!

  • On March 10th Harry said:

    Maya,that’s the Pavones beach house of Don Hayes from Rogue river.He has invited us all down to visit when we come out to see you this summer.

  • On April 8th Dave MIller said:

    Amazing shots, amazing stories, it’s a totally different world and your running with it. I love it! Couldn’t help but enjoy the tri-prop Caravan. An ageless classic representing the work horse of the skies. Let me know when you wanna go entrepreneurial and buy a plane. I work for fish!

    Keep rippin’ it,


Joseph Cunningham MD

February 27th, 2011

Man,this sucks…..Our dear friend and frequent offshore companion has died….Dr.Joe and his beloved SWAMPFOX was a familiar and respected sportsman on the Mid/Atlantic Offshore Tournament circuit. Joe traveled and fished with Inta and I from the 2004 IGFA Offshore Championships in Cabo to Tropic Star in Panama and introduced us to Thumper’s current home, Golfito CR…..In an ironic twist of fate, the Chairman of Surgery for nearly 3 decades at Maimonides Hospital in NYC succumbed to a freak complication from knee replacement surgery. Joe was Inta’s savior when she had her heart problems and mentored daughter Maya in her quest at John Hopkins. An Alabama boy, he conquered the Big City with his superior intellect, skill and charm. He was preparing to retire and move permanently to his farm in Upstate NY. Sadly, he didn’t make it…………. Our next Marlin caught, tagged, and released to swim free, will have Dr. Joe’s name on it……

2 Responses to “Joseph Cunningham MD”

  • On March 11th Terri Korn said:

    Dear Sir-

    I am Joe’s oldest daughter Terri and I am so appreciative and thankful for your posting of this memorial for my Dad. He loved fishing as much as he loved surgery. He always said “You have to work hard to play hard” and I am so glad he got to do that with your crew. Thank you again for your kind words and the impression you made on my father.
    Tight Lines!

  • On June 22nd ermela said:

    i feel so sad abot your dad..he used to do a cardiac surgery for my mom i 2004

Oliver Eugene

February 14th, 2011

New grandbaby 4:37PM PST.Much love and happiness to Niki and Henry……Best Valentine present ever…..

5 Responses to “Oliver Eugene”

  • On February 15th tami nolt said:

    Congratulations to Niki and Henry and also to grandpa Harry and grammy Inta! Love, Tami & Don

  • On February 15th DONALD NOLT said:

    You got some good breeders in your family. Looks like the kids are keeping up with the Glah tradition of producing wonderful families. They learned from the best. Congratulations to all!

  • On February 15th Mike said:

    Congratulations Glah family!

  • On February 15th Toddy said:

    Congrats!Best wishes to the entire Glah family. Henry & Niki, 3 more will make a basketball team! Love, Toddy & Cindy

  • On February 27th david said:

    Babies n billfishh!!Dah!!congrats.

Black Marlin on Spinning Rod

February 14th, 2011

7 Responses to “Black Marlin on Spinning Rod”

  • On February 14th Toddy said:

    AWESOME!!!! That’s what I’m talking about baby!!

  • On February 14th Maya said:

    This is Niko’s favorite thing to watch! He can’t wait to come see Thumper!

  • On February 15th Dave Nolt said:

    Harry, What’s next…..Can I bring down my pocket fisherman for a shot at a Blue?

  • On February 15th DONALD NOLT said:

    I wana go. Following your site leaves me longing for a return trip to Golfito. Tami and I will be back with you soon.

  • On February 15th Mike said:

    This site is blowin up. We love video!

  • On February 15th Mike Hurrell said:

    Willow says when she gets her boat she’s going to call it Thumper too!

  • On February 18th Jim said:

    For videos of some impressive sailfish from this trip see: